Easy packaging content creation

Streamline packaging and label content creation to validate faster your designs and generate static and interactive content for your marketing

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a blue 3D packaginga blue 3D packaging
a yellow 3D packaginga yellow 3D packaging
a green 3D packagingA green 3D packaging
a red 3D packaginga red 3D packaging
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How it works

With Naker, your teams can upload all the label files they are used to work with to create all the combinations they need for packaging validation & content creation.

Skip the extra shooting time and the edit on photoshop to get all the packshots you need in a few clicks!

Get a free quote

Étape 1

Upload your nude 3D model of the packaging on the Naker platform. (If you don't have a 3D version of your packaging, don't worry, we can create some for you)

Étape 2

Upload your labels artwork in the format you are used to work on a daily basis. The labels are placed automatically where they should be!

Étape 3

Set your lightings, choose differents angles and generate easily all the packshots you want

Étape 4

Share an interactive view of the packaging to accelerate the validation process or to create a personnalisation experience on eCommerce

Multitude can content made with 3D on Naker

Un contenu infini en quelques clics

Naker is a digital photography studio created for content creators with no previous 3D experience. You will have the freedom to create your own content when you need it

3D web viewer capabilities

Use the latest web technologies to share your packaging in 3D to accelerate the validation process or offer a complete new eCommerce experience

An illustration of the 3D viewer of Naker for packaging management

Curieux de savoir
ce que nous faisons d'autre chez Naker ? 

Nous aidons les marques et les agences à intégrer davantage de 3D dans leurs processus quotidiens. De la création de produits à la photographie virtuelle en passant par les expériences de commerce électronique.